Agents Licensing Telephone Numbers

Contact: Jimmy W. Gunn
(334) 241-4196


Many changes have been made in agents licensing to make the paperwork process more efficient. Each Agents Licensing employee has been assigned specific duties to help attend to agent needs. When calling the Department for agent licensing, please refer to the following telephone numbers:

  • 241-4128 -- A-B, and EDI diskette imports
  • 241-4198 -- C-E, and Adjusters
  • 241-4108 -- F-H, and Pre-Paid Legal
  • 241-4140 -- I-K, and Corporations and Partnerships
  • 241-4129 -- L-M, and Brokers
  • 241-4137 -- N-P, and Pre-Paid Dental
  • 241-4132 -- Q-S, and MGA’s
  • 241-4191 -- T-V, and Company Authorizations
  • 241-4133 -- W-Z, and Motor Club
  • 241-4135 -- Exam Processing
  • 241-4126 -- Switchboard
  • 241-4149 -- Switchboard
  • 241-4197 -- Switchboard