Notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held at 10:00 AM on Thursday, September 9, 2010, at the offices of the Alabama Department of Insurance, 201 Monroe Street, Suite 502, Montgomery, Alabama, as follows:
Revision of Section 3 of Regulation No. 115 [Chapter 482-1-115-.03], which modifies the definition of dependent. (1 page)
Any person wishing to submit testimony at said hearing is requested to submit said testimony in writing to the Alabama Department of Insurance, Attention: Legal Division, Post Office Box 303351, Montgomery, Alabama 36130-3351. Any written submission of testimony prior to the hearing will not preclude anyone from making an oral or written presentation at the hearing.
A copy of the regulations may be obtained by written request to the Alabama Department of Insurance, Post Office Box 303351, Montgomery, Alabama 36130-3351. The request must include payment of one dollar per page and a self-addressed, postage paid return envelope. An unofficial copy may also be obtained at no charge via electronic mail. You may send an e-mail request to