Continuing Education Frequently Asked Questions

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Q. How many hours do I need to renew my license?

A. 24 hours (of which 3 should be ethics) per reporting period for producers and 12 hours (of which 2 should be ethics) per reporting period for service representatives or producers who are employed by another producer or insurer to work only in the office of the employer and who are not licensed as a non-resident in any other state.

Q. Do I need to complete the CE requirements if I am a non-resident?

A. A non-resident who has satisfied his/her home state's continuing education requirement is exempt.

Q. Do I need to complete CE to renew my license if I am an "inactive producer"?

A. A producer or service representative is required to comply with CE and biennial license renewal.

Q. Does my company renew my license?

A. No. Companies renew appointments each year by Dec. 31. Biennial license renewal is the producer's responsibility.

Q. Must licensees take courses related to the lines of insurance they hold?

A. No. You may take any approved course without regard to the type of license you hold.

Q. Can extra credits earned from the previous year count for this year's renewal requirements?

A. No, beginning January 1, 2013, excess credit hours earned in the previous biennial renewal period cannot be carried over to the next reporting period. Any excess is lost.

Q. Can credits earned while taking courses to obtain a professional designation be used for the annual CE requirements?

A. Yes, only (if) the provider and courses have been approved by the Alabama Department of Insurance.

Q. Do I need to send my certificates of completion to the Alabama Department of Insurance?

A. No, when you renew online, there is no need to send certificates to the department; however, always keep your certificates on file.  Yes, if you are unable to renew online due to a CE discrepancy or upon a CE audit request, you may have to send certificates for verification.

Q. Can the person who teaches the course receive CE credits?

A. Yes, instructors will receive the same number of credits as the individuals who take the course.

Q. Can I go to the website to look up how many CE credits I have?

A. Yes, Click Here.

Q. How can I find out how many continuing education hours I have?

A. It is your responsibility to keep up with your credit hours, but if there is a discrepancy, you may call our office for assistance.

Q. Do I have to take 12 hours for my life license and 12 hours for my property license?

A. No, you only have to submit the appropriate hours for your license no matter how many lines of authority you are licensed for. However, 3 hours of the 24 or 2 hours of the 12 must be in ethics.

Q. Can I take online CE courses?

A. Yes, if the provider and course is approved in Alabama. You may search our website for approved providers and courses.

Q. Can I take the same CE course two years in a row and receive credit?

A. No. You cannot receive credit for any course more than once in any reporting period.

Q. If I hold a CE exemption, do I still have to take the long term care one-time 8 hour LTC CE course and the 4 hour LTC CE course for renewals?

A. Yes, as the Federal law does not allow for exemptions. Any producer licensed who continues to sell LTC must complete required CE. As of March 1, 2009 any new or existing producer who has not complied with the 8 hour one time training will need to take the LTC course before selling LTC. Be sure the course is approved for LTC credit and not just entitled long term care and approved for general credit.

Q. Are there any exemptions to the CE requirements?

A. Yes, the exemptions are:

  • Non-residents of reciprocal states who have met the home state's CE requirements.
  • Any producer whose license is limited to acting only as a producer for credit insurance, rental vehicle insurance, crop, portable electronic, travel, motor club, dental services, and legal services, or any combination thereof.
  • Newly licensed producers, service representatives, adjusters or title insurance agents licensed within 12 months of the renewal date.

NOTE: Any individual exempt from the edcuational requirements of Ala. Code 27-8A-1 immediately prior to January 1, 2013, so long as the individual remains exempt according to the law at that time, unless the license is permitted to expire or is otherwise terminated and remains out of effect for a period of 12 consecutive months, in which case the exemption is no longer applicable.